Delta Wanderings XXII – July 2016 -- “In Our Backyard…”
While our photographic travels often take us to some of the most remote and exotic regions of the planet, we are blessed to have such a diversity of wildlife right “In Our Backyard”. Sitting 60 miles inland from San Francisco Bay and fed by half a dozen melt-water rivers flowing down from the Sierra Nevada Mountains our 1,000-mile labyrinth of sloughs and waterways receive a constant inflow of clean fresh water. Each day we experience four significant tidal changes as the Pacific Ocean backups up or lowers the waters of San Francisco Bay creating a watery domino effect as our tides rise and fall by more than 2 meters creating a constantly changing shoreline and ecosystem.
Common Garter Snake There is nothing like walking out your back door, Wandering down to the dock, getting in the boat and within a minutes finding yourself lost in the natural beauty of the Northern California Delta. While the Delta is often best known for boating, fishing and various water sports, our watery highways lined with blackberry brambles and tule grasses are home to many resident and migrant species of Birds, Mammals and Fish. It’s a scary thought that this natural habitat is threatened by our neighbors down south who want to divert these waters to Southern California communities, golf courses and farms. Delta Wanderings Photo Gallery: (A periodic photo blog of our Discovery Bay and Delta Wanderings)
Pacific Pond Turtles
Beaver chewing on some plants
Great Blue Heron chasing Great Egret
Juvenile Mallard Ducks
Gull with his catch, he actually swallowed the fish whole!
Tern with his catch
Night Heron
Canada Geese
Swainson's Hawk
Green Heron
Preying Mantis
Canada Goose
Great Blue Heron with a Crayfish
Great Egret taking off
River Otter
Belted Kingfisher
Red Shafted Flicker
White Tailed Kite
Nuttall's Woodpecker
A pair of Snowy Egrets with a Great Egret
Clark's Grebe
Mallard Ducks
Snowy Egret
Wood Ducks
Swainson's Hawk
Delta Full Moon If you missed my last "Delta Wanderings" blog post check it out at:
For more photos visit Bill’s Discovery Bay & Delta website:
© Bill Klipp 2016 Check out my online Photo Website at: or / All Rights Reserved Bill Klipp * Any use of these images requires the prior written permission of Bill Klipp the photographer, no other uses of any kind including print or electronic are permitted without the prior written permission of the photographer.
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Great photos. You got me beat in the wildlife photo department.
Christy Englund(non-registered)
Enjoyed seeing the widelife of our area in your photos !Thank you!
Greg Knoblich(non-registered)
Thank you for sharing. Great snapshot of Delta Life.
Sue Coats(non-registered)
Beautiful! We have lived here for over 30 years and we have seen almost all of these wonderful creatures.
This needs to be shared with our Governor. This is God's plan not Governor Brown's legacy.
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